What to do when your 3 year old YELLS ~ “I need a HOOKER”

playing cars

Being a Mom to 4 kids I have learned that each one of my children is very different.  My 3 year old son is ALL BOY, his favorite thing is being with Daddy, tools, firetrucks, trains, police cars and anything with wheels on it.  Everyday he walks up to me and in a deep voice says, “Mom, want to play cars with me?”  He gets so excited when I will play with him.

We normally follow the roads, have a race or two (which he gets upset if his car loses). Go to the hot-dog stand, drive on the train tracks, see the fire men and make lots of car noises like ” vroom, brbrbrbr and weeee (when we drive fast)”.  Well yesterday when we were playing cars ( I was the train) we were racing.  He said “Oh no, I am going to crash into you,” and then he made his fire truck smash into my blue train.  So I then made the blue train spin out of control and wedge itself under the couch.

I looked at him and said, “Wow that was a bad crash, looks like the train is stuck.”

He gets a very serious look on his face, jumps up and yells, ” I need a HOOKER” and darts across the room.

My Husband looks as me and says, “What did he say.”  I am still on the floor with my mouth hanging open confused….. “I think he said he needs a hooker.”  Just then he come bounding back, ” I got my hooker car, I will save the day!”

My husbands starts to laugh and then tried to explain to our son, “That is called a tow truck or a tow car…. not a hooker.”  My son just smiles and then tows the blue train across the floor to the “fix-it man” and saves the day.

LOL we got a good laugh as we put the kids to bed later that evening and I picked up the “hooker car” and put it away for the night.

 What is a  Mommy Moment, click here

7 thoughts on “What to do when your 3 year old YELLS ~ “I need a HOOKER””

  1. Shanna Yoder Alfrey

    That was very cute & funny. Just be glad he didn’t yell it in a crowded place like say church. Boy would that get you guys some looks lol

  2. You made me smile. I remember my husband relaying a story to me about a time that he ran into his friend, Jim, at the grocery store. Jim had his then four year old daughter with him, and they had come to the grocery store on a motorcycle.  My husband asked about Jim’s wife who was at home with their newborn baby. As Jim was getting ready to answer he was also preparing to secure the groceries onto the back of the motorcycle to ride home. Before either my husband or Jim could say another word, his daughter exclaimed, “Oh-no Dad, you left our hooker home.” They both burst out laughing as the perplexed four-year stomped her foot and tried to figure out what was so funny. “She simply crawled up on the bike and crossed her arms and said, “Well! I am not going to be the hooker! Carry them yourself!” Oh the things kids say!

  3. Robin Roberts

    lol at least it was in your home.. my son who was around 3 and was having speech problems.. decided in a very echoing store to yell out.. A$$hole.. yep.. he kept yelling it because it kept echoing for him.. I was laughing and trying to get him to not say it or at least say it quietly.. the looks I got from others .. oh well… he is now 21 and doesn’t stop talking..

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