Thanks to All Aboard Deals for passing along this great info on how to get a thrifty deal with
- Create an account at
- Mail 8 of your $3/1 Huggies Coupons* to and allow 7-10 days for processing. These will be automatically applied to your account for the specific products mentioned on your coupons.
*You can use whatever coupons you have! Pampers, Huggies, Seventh Generation…wipes or diapers… I’m simply using the $3/1 Huggies because they are the highest dollar coupons offered recently. - Create an account on eBates. For doing so you’ll receive an instant $5 credit (just for creating an account). Additionally, you’ll get 1-4% cash back for your diaper purchase.
- In the search box at eBates, look for It will redirect you to their website.
Note: THIS IS THE ONLY WAY YOU’LL GET CASH BACK THROUGH eBATES ON YOUR PURCHASE! It’s important to follow this step to maximize on your savings! - Add 8 of the $9.99 Jumbo Pack Huggies diapers to your cart (best bang for your buck is Snug & Dry, though I personally prefer Little Movers or Little Snugglers). Your total will show $55.92. (It would be $79.92, but 8 coupons at $3 off = $24 in savings!)
- Use promo code EJOHNSON. This will give you $10 off your first order of $49.99+ in diapers! That takes your order down to $45.92. Now checkout and complete your order
- Send in for this additional $10 rebate. This brings your order down to $35.92!
Include the $5 you get from eBates for creating an account and the 1% cash back on diaper purchases, and you’re paying ONLY $30.56 for 8 packs of diapers! That’s just $3.82 per pack!!
Even without coupons you’re only paying $7.49/pack, which is cheaper than any grocery or drug store sale. AND it’s shipped right to your door for FREE! (Remember that you get FREE 1-2 day shipping from on all orders over $49.99.)
Easy peasy! (So maybe it’s a bit complicated, but worth it to save $44 on diapers! 🙂