Kraft Block Cheese Only $2.08 Each At Walmart ~ Coupon Has Reset!!!

I like to stock up on Kraft block cheese when it goes on sale.

I can usually get it for $1.49 when my Kroger puts on sale for $1.99 each.

Make sure you print your coupons for it now & hold on to them until they are on sale at your favorite store.

You will have to change your zip coupon to 77380 in order to find this coupon.

Please note:  Unclip the Hormel Sandwich Makers coupon if you do not need it (to save ink).

Kraft Block Cheese – $2.58 (Walmart)


1 thought on “Kraft Block Cheese Only $2.08 Each At Walmart ~ Coupon Has Reset!!!”

  1. A Thrifty Mom

    Unclip the Hormel Sandwich Makers coupon if you don’t need it in order to save your ink. 🙂

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