Best Deal scenario for Kraft promos at Albertsons


To view the full match up I did for this weeks Albertsons deals click here. If you are going to overlap the two promos it can be a little tricky.  I found out that you can buy in groups of 10 for the spotlight promo (10, 20, 30,) and the $5 will come off as long as it is in groups of 10.

Here is the problem, if you overlap and also want to cash in on the $5 kraft catalina, you need to buy 5, but  only one $5.00 catalina will print weather you buy 5,10,15.  So if you plan to stock up on cheese (like I want to, you need to split it up into different transactions buying only 5 at a time, but in a groups of 10 spotlight promo items.) You can “roll” the catalina from one transaction to another.

There are lots of items to choose from but I really only want the trail mix, and the coupons for those are $1.00 off 2, so I cant buy 5 I need to either buy 4 or 6  to use the coupon (ask your cashier for them if you shop at the Caldwell Stadium store)

So you end up paying .75 for the 5th bag, or use a coupon and get the  6th bag for .75 as well  order to use the coupon….not sure if this is the best deal or not (my brain is fried, after staying up to 1 am writing the Albertsons post)

But I think this is how I will work the deal:

  • Buy 5 Kraft Cheese products $1.49-3.99 each (get back a $5 catalina after you pay)
  • Buy 6 Trail Mix $1.25, only .75 after instant savings…only .25 after tear pad coupons
  • I am SURE there is a “more Thrifty” way to do this….but this is what I came up with.

Feel free to pass along and deal scenarios you have.

IMG_3531Took this photo yesterday, They have 50 displays full of trail mix….oh how I love my local Albertsons store!!!!!

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