Pom Pom’s from T-shirts – Thrifty Crafts

We all love to try and be creative. Some times it takes a couple little hints from someone who is really good. Here is a step by step instruction on how to make Pom Pom from old t-shirts. We would like to thank Carrissa from Living Live and Loving Every Second for sending this our way

Here is the picture of the pom poms they made!

First things first you need to find a t shirt.

I only used from the arm pit down of the shirt and then cut thin strips….after this step is done you need to cut two pieces of card board in the shape of a (C) You can see what I mean with the picture above. You take one piece of the t shirt and wedge it in the middle of the card board (This is so you can tie it after all is wrapped and cut!

You will want to wrap it three times around and once you do that you can use scissors or use an Exacto knife which is sharper and way faster *Hint* Hold your hand down holding the t shirt in place while cutting.

After you have cut all the way around you take the two pieces that you tucked into the cardboard and tie them tight….all of the fabric will gather. Once you have tied it you can remove the card board and fluff it up!

Next is just to hang and ENJOY!

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