Don’t forget to sign up. It opens in about 10 mins.
(unless you are in Utah and it is already open)
You find find out if there is a Bountiful Baskets program in your area by click here.
To learn more about what a Bountiful basket is click here.
My basket is empty this week because I was at Blogher….. Did any of you get it, if so what was in it this week?
Don’t forget the sign up window now opens at 12 noon on Mondays. Many locations have been selling our within an hour so act fast ( some of them go as quick as 5 minutes)! Remember this is not just a local deal they have 100’s of locations in many states. It opens Monday at 12 noon and will close at 10pm Tuesday . The spots will fill up quickly so don’t wait. Their website .
To see where the closest location is to you click here