Easy way to clean the rim of your Instant Pot electric pressure cooker

Love this Instant pot but it can be a little tricky at times.  I found a great trip worth passing along. An Easy way to clean the rim of your Instant Pot electric pressure cooker!

clean your instant pot like a pro, instant pot, electric pressure cooker, kitchen hacks, cleaning

Easy way to clean the rim of your Instant Pot electric pressure cooker

I absolutely love my Instant pot pressure cooker. It is by far my favorite kitchen appliance or gadget! I love how fast it cooks meals and that it doesn’t heat up my house. I love that the food seems to always come out perfect and that it is a lot easier to use than I thought it might be.

There is just one thing I didn’t like about it until recently. The rim around the top where the lid goes on. I could not get it clean enough. I felt like there were drips and crumbs that weren’t getting wiped off thoroughly. Until I figured this trick out!


Instant pot

Those little, spongy paint brushes are the perfect size and perfect for getting into that hard to reach groove. I dip the brush into my hot soapy water and go around the rim a couple of times. It is the perfect answer!

clean your instant pot like a pro, instant pot, electric pressure cooker, clean, kitchen hacks, cleaning

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