Free Nursing Pillow from, use Promo Code AThriftyMom1

Free Nursing Pillow from, use Promo Code AThriftyMom1

Do you know someone who is having a baby?  Then you are going to LOVE this awesome Freebie! Perfect for nursing mothers, but even if you do not breast feed your baby it it great for supporting them while feeding them or holding them.  I loved mine when my baby’s were little! 

Right now you can get a Free Nursing Pillow (a $ 40.00 Value) at, use Promotion Code AThriftyMom1 there are 9 patterns to pick from.

free nursing pillow

This offer just came out so hurry and grab yours before styles and selections sell out.  There are 9 prints to pick from, or for a limited time you can upgrade your order to a super soft Minky Nursing Pillow for only $5.00.  To grab this offer go to and click the SHOP NOW link.  Select your print, then go to the shopping bag and enter code  “AThriftyMom1 “, entering this code will take 100% off you order (a $40 order).  All you will need to pay shipping.FREE NURSING PILLOW FROM NURSINGPILLOW.COM, USE PROMO CODE ATHRIFTYMOM1 #free, #babyGift, #nursing, #Baby, #newMom, #showerGi

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15 thoughts on “Free Nursing Pillow from, use Promo Code AThriftyMom1”

  1. Amelia Petchell Grigg

    I got one of these. It says free but you have to pay shipping which is like $15. They seem ok. Maybe good for traveling, they are kind of small and not as sturdy as a Boppy pillow. Also I ended up with 2 because the first one I was sent was damp and moldy. The customer service taking care of the issue was great though and took care of it quickly.

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