Free printable shape booklet
Now that school has started, we are trying to get back into a routine. This Free printable shape booklet is not just great for preschool age kids. Use it for toddlers and even for kindergarten/first graders. The shapes have happy, cheerful faces and will be fun to color. We made this book into PDF printables so you can have the best quality image.

If you have a preschooler, toddler or grade schooler, these free printables are a fun way to help them to learn their shapes. Don’t they look so friendly with their happy smiles and goofy big eyes. If you are doing a co-op preschool, these would be easy to print several copies of and let them color or decorate them any way you want. We left a lot of space so you can even have them draw their own shapes around it. Or, get magazines and let them find those shapes in it and glue them to the front or back of the sheet. Print off each of these pages below, and staple them together or keep them separate for multiple days of learning and coloring.
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