My kid lost it today, 22 FUNNY REASONS KIDS CRY

22-funny-reasons-kids-cry-kids-get-upset-over-the-silliest-things-these-will-make-you-laughFUNNY REASONS KIDS CRY

As a Mom to 5 kids, I have seen my share of melt downs over the past 15 years, and funny reasons kids cry. Most the time when my “little humans” cry my heart cries right along with them. I want to wipe away their tears, kiss their ouchy better and snuggle them until they feel better.  But other times it is all I can do to keep it together and not bust out laughing at them.  Let’s face it there are some FUNNY REASONS KIDS CRY! It is not that we do not love our kids and have turned heartless, it is just flat out funny.

my-kid-lost-it-today-funny-reasons-kids-cry-silly-reason-why-my-child-was-crying-parenting-tips-and-hacks FUNNY REASONS KIDS CRY

Last month we had my daughters 9th birthday party, we were decorating cupcakes.  I put a bright and colorful number 9 on top and everyone started to sing Happy Birthday To You.  Just then my 2 year old daughter busted out crying, as if we broke her heart. We kept singing but were trying not to laugh at the same time. Funny thing is she cryings every time she hears that song. Not sure why, but if you sing the happy birthday song  to her and she bust out crying!


Funny Reasons Kids Cry  – Throwing a fit because his brother hugged him when he fell off the scooter Hahah


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – “Don’t say that i have a princess smile!! I am NOT a princess!” Lesson learned I won’t call her a princess anymore.


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Mom said no more cookies!


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – We were talking about how fall is coming and the leaves will change colors. I said “They’ll turn red, orange, yellow…” He interrupts to say “And blue!” When I had to tell them they wouldn’t turn blue on their own, he broke down. Poor guy


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – When you want to get dressed by yourself with NO help! Tantrums begin if Mom helps just a little.

funny-reasons-kids-cry-kids-get-upset-over-the-silliest-things-these-will-make-you-laughFunny Reasons Kids Cry – He was throwing a fit because I put a shirt on him. He wanted to go to daycare shirtless lol ?


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Once upon a time there was a little boy that wanted to take a bath…but he didn’t want to get wet, so he went in the tub and back out…and then in again and back out with many repeats…. finally mommy said no more and he was not impressed.


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Apparently superman was not his first choice for a Halloween costume. Gotta love 3 year olds ha!


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Because I took a picture of her brother.


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – She doesn’t like the feeling of grass.

funny-reasons-kids-cry-kids-get-upset-over-the-silliest-things-these-will-make-you-laughFunny Reasons Kids Cry – He did NOT want me to take a picture of him, I kept trying to get him to smile so we could send a picture to Grandma and he was having no part of it….. mind you he’s 20 months, I have my work cut out for me with this one.


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – This is my little sister and I about 40 years ago. She is crying because I got presents from Santa too!


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – He was mad at the happy fish book

Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Pouting because he had to go inside and he wanted to sleep in the tree on the nest he made and is setting on.


Funny Reasons Kids Cry –  Mad about her food taking too long.

funny-reasons-kids-cry-kids-get-upset-over-the-silliest-things-these-will-make-you-laughFunny Reasons Kids Cry – We just got home from camping and He did not want to take a bath. He kept telling me ” I not dirty mom”. So I took his picture to show him just how dirty he was. He hates taking baths!!


Funy Reasons Kids Cry – Mad because he wanted his hair more spikey


Funy Reasons Kids Cry – I was cooking dinner and Bracyn just wanted to be held….


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Mad at me because I did not want their feet up in the photo see pic below


Funny Reasons Kids Cry –  I made her try on her costume and she didn’t want to be a kitty she told me! Lol


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – She is crying because mom wanted to take her picture!


Funny Reasons Kids Cry – Ok my daughter gets upset after asking me if she can pick out her own clothes I tell her yes but we got to go soon and she then starts to get dressed and we walk outside get to the store starts screaming I don’t like this outfit take me home people are gonna laugh at me mind you she’s 8 and thinks she looked good at home but now I’m public she no longer likes what she picked out! I told her you wanted to pick it out and wear it I have things we need to do don’t have time to take you home and change today! I’m sorry I love you but we have to get this done. Picture explains it all she was trying to hide her clothes!

Funny Reason Kids Cry GIVEAWAY

This made me think, I bet other parents have stories to share of funny reasons kids cry. So lets make a little game/ giveaway of funny reasons kids cry.  Go back through your phone and find photos of your kids losing it, and make sure you leave a comment of WHY they were crying.  You can add as many photos as you want, each one counts as an entry.  By sharing the photo you are giving us permission to post the photo on our site or social media channels.  PLEASE only share photos of your own children, do NOT search the internet for random kids… only share photos of your own kids.


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143 thoughts on “My kid lost it today, 22 FUNNY REASONS KIDS CRY”

  1. A Thrifty Mom

    Whitney Dryer YOu were the random winner… and you have won a $30 Amazon gift card. Please message me back so I can get it to you

  2. Sarah Traub

    Pouting because he had to go inside and he wanted to sleep in the tree on the nest he made and is setting on.

  3. Sarah Traub

    Mad because John Voight would not stop talking and my son (youngest on the right) wanted to tell him a story about his pickle lol

  4. Sarah Traub

    Made because the leaf fell off the tree and he wanted me to put it back up??!!! Why mom why…(it was fall)

  5. Sarah Traub

    Mad because I found his iPod snuck halfway up his pant leg trying to take it to preschool. He picked up a leaf so I could not take a photo to send to his dad. See following photo of cell phone I wriggled out of his pant leg at the bus stop.

  6. My grandkids cry because they can’t have gum all the time or they are not getting to play my D’s or because I will not change the game for them

  7. Kristen Hills

    When you want to get dressed by yourself with NO help! Tantrums begin if Mom helps just a little.

  8. Amber Critcher Watkins

    He was throwing a fit because I put a shirt on him. He wanted to go to daycare shirtless lol U0001f609

  9. Maria De Rossi Newton

    My four year old just did that yesterday. Except once she got in the tub, I dunked water over her head, suds her up & rinsed her fast. As soon as i drained the tub, had her dried & dressed, she wanted back in the tub. Grrrr!

  10. Incognitoy Smith

    My four year old was crying all evening today I asked him what’s going on, he tells me he had a bad day todayU0001f633.

  11. Whitney Dryer

    We were talking about how fall is coming and the leaves will change colors. I said “They’ll turn red, orange, yellow…” He interrupts to say “And blue!” When I had to tell them they wouldn’t turn blue on their own, he broke down. Poor guy U0001f341U0001f342U0001f499

  12. Samantha Becker

    Because he got the wrong you in his happy meal and Mcdonalds didn’t have the one he actually wanted

  13. Lyndi Averett Belnap

    My 3yo son is always asking “what you doing?” and if I answer him with “it’s none of your business” he flips out and screams “what you doing!?!?!” It cracks me up.

  14. BethanyandJeff Roberts

    we just got home from camping and Brax did not want to take a bath.. kept telling me ” I not dirty mom”. so I took his picture to show him just how dirty he was. he hates taking baths!!

  15. Beth Martin-Lappin

    I have 4 daughters who are older, but they still throw fits and I still take pics! ……LOL U0001f609

  16. Shylena Birchfield

    My daughter found a musical toy at grandmas house. Every time she pressed the button it played twinkle twinkle little star. She would cry every single time! She pressed and cried all the way home (about 20 minutes) and refused to give it up.

  17. Myra Foster-Smith

    This is my little sister and I about 40 years ago. She is crying because I got presents from Santa too!

  18. Whitney Johnson

    Apparently superman was not his first choice for a Halloween costume. Gotta love 3 year olds ha!

  19. Isabel Toye

    ” Don’t say that i have a princess smile!! I am NOT a princess!” Lesson learned i wont call her a princess anymore.U0001f603U0001f61b

  20. Lidia Elizabeth

    4 year old twins. I suggested they should be speech language pathologists when they grow up. They want to be soldiers.

  21. Nina Mackrain

    Once upon a time there was a little boy that wanted to take a bath…but he didn’t want to get wet, so he went in the tub and back out…and then in again and back out with many repeats…. finally mommy said no more and he was not impressed.

  22. Jessica Fadness

    My2 yr old daughter crying because I made her try on her costume and she didn’t want to be a kitty she told me! Lol

  23. Amber Diercks

    I was talking with my older son about keep his hands off his boy parts. I told him ( 6 year old) to stop touching it otherwise it might fall off. He got upset with me for ” lieing” say it only gets bigger mom!

  24. Chris Roan Pinami

    My almost 2 year old follows me everywhere I discovered the bathroom is a trap room he refuses to step down a 3-4 inch step. Mind you he has mastered actual stairs! This was the 3rd time he trapped himself in a week and I had to video it.

  25. AshleyHairston

    My almost 2yr old has breakdowns daily because we want to use our own phones.. he freaks out haha i mean like tears and cryin so hard he cant breathe lol almost 2 and already knows how to use a smart phone!

  26. Nina Mackrain

    He did NOT want me to take a picture of him, I kept trying to get him to smile so we could send a picture to Grandma and he was having no part of it….. mind you he’s 20 months, I have my work cut out for me with this one.

  27. Britney Dawn Peters

    Ok my daughter gets upset after asking me if she can pick out her own clothes I tell her yes but we got to go soon and she then starts to get dressed and we walk outside get to the store starts screaming I don’t like this outfit take me home people are gonna laugh at me mind you she’s 8 and thinks she looked good at home but now I’m public she no longer likes what she picked out! I told her you wanted to pick it out and wear it I have things we need to do don’t have time to take you home and change today! I’m sorry I love you but we have to get this done. Picture explains it all she was trying to hide her clothes!

  28. Melanie McLaurin Ford

    I told my 4 year old daughter that she had to stop sucking her thumb, she was too old to be doing that. She looked at me and screamed “But I WANT TO PUT MY THUMB IN SOMETHINGGGG!!!!!”.

  29. Brittany Yvonne

    My toddler once cried because I wouldn’t let him wipe my butt. Full on, screaming crying, throwing a fit.

  30. My Daughter cried yesterday because she didn’t know how to draw a “weiner”…. She meant the dog (thank you secret life of pets)…. lol! *don’t worry, mommy ended up helping*

  31. Gayle Laper Denney

    My daughter cried because I would not let her run into oncoming traffic yesterday. The struggle is real.

  32. Hillary Jones

    My daughter will scream and cry if she sees anyone else cry. Even if she’s the reason for making another child cry!

  33. Shelly Mullen Underhill

    I babysit a two year old little girl and we are attempting to potty train. I sat her on the potty and all at once she busted out crying. She had went and it didn’t make her happy. Lol

  34. Cristin McEnnerney Vosburgh

    2 year old asked to see in cabinets and each time I opened one he’d get ticked and say “Not that one! This one!!” as I moved on to each one!

  35. Jessica Harris

    My son flipped out yesterday when I took him to Spirit Halloween. He said he WANTED to go. So I take him, we walk in and holy mole, he started screaming. Im scared, im scared.
    I said really!?! You asked.

  36. Dawn Sewell Valles

    My 3.5 yr old cried because his 9 yr old brother looked at him, “mommy, he’s looking at me”.

  37. Britney Dawn Peters

    I love your shirt I really want to know where you got it! And I have plenty of those pics lol.

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