Two new coupons came out that go along really well with the current Walgreens ad
You can print two off each computer, so to do the deal below you will need 2 computers to print from.
On page 30 of the 7 day Walgreens ad they have a register reward promo spend $30 on products get back a $10 RR. Gas-X and Maalox are both part of that promo.
- Buy 3 Maalox products priced at $5 each
- Buy 3 Gas-X products priced at $5 each
- Total will be $30 plus tax
- use 3 $2 Gas-X coupons
- use 3 $2 Maalox coupons
- You will need to pay $18
- after you pay a $10 register reward will print
- and a $5 register reward will also print for spending $25 before coupons 12/17 only
- So it is like paying only $3….making it only .50 an item
Thanks Hip2Save