One of our friends, Saving Cents with Sense, sent us some great tips while trying to save money.
Avoid Impulse Buying. Have a list when you shop at the grocery store and stick with it to cut down on excess spending.
Budget. Create a budget, record what you spend each month, and see where you cut your expenses.
Menu plan. Know what you have in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to stop compulsive spending.
Never Shop Hungry. You’ll end up buying things you don’t need (or want after the hunger passes).
Organize. Closets, drawers, shelves. When you are organized, you know what you have, what you need, and what you don’t need to spend.
Public Transportation or Carpool. Save on gas by using the bus, light rail, train, subway, or if weather permits, a bike!
Thanks! Make sure you read her post HERE for even more great tips!