Kellogg’s has 5 new printable coupons their website You will see that they link to Red Plum — but some of these are not available on the Red Plum site – only here! Grab these while you can:
- $1.00 off 2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats, 14.5 oz
- $1.00 off 2 Kellogg’s All-Bran, Crispix, Rice Krispies, Smart Start, Raisin Bran, and/or Corn Flakes, 11.4 oz
- $1.00 off Kellogg’s Smart Start Cereal, 14.7 oz
- $1.00 off 1 Kellogg’s Special K Low Fat Granola, Raisin Bran Extra!, Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites, 14 oz
- $2.00 off 2 Kellogg’s Speical K Low Fat Granola, Raisin Bran Extra!, Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites, 14 oz