Late night ice cream RUN!

Before sale price or coupons this would have cost $60.17

I paid $12.60

img_0431Albertsons had a great sale last week.  One of the items was Breyers Ice Cream, it was a great price plus I had a coupon……the only problem was I could NOT find my coupons anywhere.  All weeks I looked for them I finally decided I must have dropped them in the store and gave up.  Last night I was cleaning up my desk and I grabbed the folder with the unilever rebate stuff in it.  I saw the ice cream coupons….they were on the back on the rebate form.  It was 9:15 and the store closed at 10:00, so I made a mad rush to get my ice cream before the sale was over.  I also picked up a free gallon of milk with my Kellogg’s milk catalina from last week.  I won’t list all the details being that the sale is now over, but I was one happy momma when I found my ice cream coupons!  It is the simple things in life that sometimes bring so much joy!

Thanks  Albertsons for another wonderful sale!

For this weeks ad match ups click here April 15-21

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