It is easier to live on less when you can re-purpose clothing that does not fit to meet another need.
I only have one pair of shorts in my closet… and it has been so hot the past 2 weeks I felt it was time to get another pair. That way I had something cool to wear when my shorts were in the laundry. Well I checked a few stores and found nothing within my budget, I checked a few thrift stores and found nothing there. I guess everyone is looking for shorts :).
I picked these grey skinny jeans up at the last quarter sale I went to at Other Mothers in Nampa. But they were to short, so I had them in the donate bin. So I grabbed a pair of scissors and chopped the bottoms off. Rolled up the bottoms ( I could sew them, but we all know my sewing skills stink) and in about 60 seconds I had a cute pair of capris. I would have never chopped up one of my good pairs of pants… but I was happy to upcycle these to make them work for summer! So go take a look at your donate bin and see what you can upcycle to the next season!
Do not forget about this Other Mothers/ Trendy Trades Buy Two Pink Tagged Items Get One FREE! Good the whole month of July at the Nampa Store.