Local 5k race – enter to run/walk

We at A Thrifty Mom are proud to be a sponsor to this local race:

What’s better than running on a nice autumn morning to the strains of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony??? Doing it for a great cause! Caldwell Fine Arts provides music, dance, and art programs in schools and at Jewett auditorium for thousands of area children each year. For some, these programs represent the only live artistic performances they will ever see. This race will help keep these programs in the schools for another year. Moisture-wicking sport shirts, treats after the race, great raffle prizes, and mini-massages make this one race not to be missed!

Register now…August 31 is the last day to preregister at the lowest price and choose a t-shirt option!

When: September 10
Time: 9 a.m. (late registration at 8 a.m.)
Where: Morrison Quadrangle, College of Idaho Campus
Cost: Adult $15 no shirt/ $22 shirt
Child $10 no shirt/ $15 shirt
Family (all immediate family members, no shirt) $50
Register at: