Mommy Moments ~ Keeping it real

mommy moment

What is a  Mommy Moment, click here

Some moments are ones we wish would pass quicker than others…

Can you guess where I have been this week?  Yip back to the doctor again….3rd time in 6 weeks. Now don’t get me wrong I really love my doctor, but I don’t like being sick this long.  I found out I had an allergic reaction to the last round of antibiotics I was on… so instead of getting better I got worse. Which has delayed me being able to schedule surgery to get my tonsils taken out.  I found out I now have bronchitis and am on another 10 day treatment.  Lets hope this one is able to help me kick this thing!   Does your Doctors office have this silly little sign…. they ask you to pick a face and tell your pain level……

After 6 weeks of being sick, this was my answer…..

(Just me keeping it real….lol)

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