Money Maker deal at Meijers

meijer1Great money maker deals at Meijer this week, thanks to Stockpiling Moms

Buy 4 Dressings for $6.68 ($1.67 each)
Use 4 MeijerMealBox coupons for $1.00/1 (Total $2.68)
Use 2 Kraft Dressing 14 or 16 oz: $.55 off 1, Expires 6/19/2010, (5/2/10 SS) They double to $1.00 each (Total OOP $.68)
Use 1 Kraft Dressing Coupon (that does not double – because only 2 like coupons double per transaction)
Total $.13 OOP
Money Maker: $2.87 after $3.00 off your next order Catalina!


Buy 3 Dressings for $5.00 ($1.67 each)
Use 3 MeijerMealBox for $1.00/1 (Total $2.00)
Use 2 Kraft Dressing 14 or 16 oz: $.55 off 1, Expires 6/19/2010, (5/2/10 SS) They double to $1.00 each
Total = FREE
Money Maker: Earn $2.00 Catalina on your next order!


Buy 3 Dressings for $5.00 ($1.67 each)
Use 3 MeijerMealBox for $1.00/1 (Total $2.00)
Total = $2.00
Earn $2.00 Catalina on your next order!
After Catalina = FREE