My Weekly Budget Review

For the week of May 17-23

I was able to buy $241.02 in items

But I only paid $32.07

Plus I have $6.00 in catalina to use like cash next week.

img_08771Walgreens $2.45 for details click here

img_08751Albertsons $6.65 for details click here

img_08871Albertsons $14.76 for details click here

img_09601Albertsons $3.16 for details click here
img_09622Albertsons $5.06 for details click here

Just to put your fears to rest, I know I did not buy any fresh fruits or veggies this week.  We still had a bunch left over from last week.  So I made my kids eat what was in the refrigerator,before I would buy new ones.  Don’t worry we will re-stock next week.

If you are new to my site, I know you are wondering how I feed my family on the items I purchased for the week.  Well I do not shop like a “Normal” person I stock up on the times that are at their lowest price point for the week.  I bring them home and add them to my Pantry which is full of items  that I use to make my families menu.  My freezer is stocked with meat, so between the pantry and the freezer I do not really “NEED” to buy anything.  Which allows me to only purchase things at a price that I am happy to pay.  Of coarse I have to buy my perishable items every week, like milk eggs and veggies.