The other day I was in Albertsons and I saw this display for Nabisco Spring products. While these prices are not a stock up price if you are in need of Spring items like these for a party or just for fun, it makes it better deal to use coupons. Use them with the ‘Twice the Value” that are suppose to come in tomorrows 3/6 Sunday paper.
Spring Oreos are 2.49 each
- Buy 2 total $4.98
- Use: $1/2 Nabisco Oreo Spring Cookies
- Final price = 3.98 for two Spring Oreos (1.99 each)
- or use a Twice the Value coupon and get them for only $1.49 each
Spring Ritz are 3.29 each
- Use: $1/2 Nabisco Spring Ritz Crackers
- OR $1/2 Nabisco Crackers 1/30/2011 SS Insert (exp 3/31/2011)**not all areas got this one**
- Final price = $5.58 for two Spring Ritz Crackers (2.79 each)
- Or use a Twice the value coupon and get them for only $2.29
For the full Albertson ad coupon match up click here
For more coupons. com coupons click here
For a recipe to use with Nabisco Ritz crackers click here or here