Some of the newest coupons taken to WinCo can be ever so satisfying.
Some of the coupons listed last week are still available, check those out.
Some of the coupons listed last week are still available, check those out.

Pedigree treats for dogs $3.58
- use $1.00 off any TWO (2) PEDIGREE Treats For Dogs
- Final price $3.08 each when you buy 2
Temptations (megapack) $3.16
- use $1.00 off (3) TEMPTATIONS Treats for Cats
- Final price $2.83 each when you buy 3
- use $1.00 off any ONE (1) ARM & HAMMER™ Cat Litter
- Final price $6.97
- use $2.00 off Seattle’s Best Coffee Ground or K-Cups
- Final price $2.89
Final price $3.54 and get $6.92 towards your ground beef
- use $1.00 off any 4 Uncle Ben’s Brand rice products
- Final price $1.73 each when you buy 4
- use $0.50 off (2) cartons of Swanson Broth
- Final price $1.63 each when you buy 2
Always liners $4.26
- use $0.40 off ONE Always Liners 30ct or larger
- Final price $3.86
- use $1.00 off FIVE (5) Smart Ones Frozen Products
- Final price $1.54 each when you buy 5
- use $0.50 off ONE Bounce product
- Final price $3.32
- use $1.00 off ONE Luvs Diapers
- Final price $5.97
Buddig $.64
- use $1.00 off FIVE Buddig Original 2 oz
- Final price $.44
- use $1.50 off any three John Morrell Products
- Final price $2.38 each when you buy 3
- use $0.55 off a package of Armour Pepperoni or Salami
- Final price $1.93
- use $0.65 off JOLLY TIME Healthy Pop Microwave Popcorn
- Final price $1.33
Nakano Rice Vinegar $2.61
- use $1.00 off ANY ONE bottle of Nakano Rice Vinegar
- Final price $1.61
Larabar multipack $5.78
- use $1.00 off LARABAR, UBER OR ALT multipack
- Final price $4.78
Sunsweet Ones $2.61
- use $1.00 off ONE (1) Sunsweet Ones
- Final price $1.61
Holland House cooking wine $3.38
- use $0.55 off ONE bottle Holland House Cooking Wine
- Final price $2.83