Nu Skin Toothpaste Review

Nu Skin Toothpaste Review

A bright white smile is an attractive feature to have. So as you know many of us try tips, tricks and products to try and achieve a sparkly white mouth.   About 5 months ago my social media news feed started filling with before and after photos of bright white teeth.  Since I sometimes review products my inbox was also filled with requests to try this new amazing Nu Skin Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste.

You can sign up to sell Nu Skin Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste at no cost and you can earn about $10 off each tube you sell. So there is a great profit to be made.  But the burning question was DOES IT WORK?  Sorry, but since photo shop and filters came out I trust a before and after photo, about as much as I trust a politicians speech.  Show me all the photos you want, I will believe it when I see it for myself.

I did however have a close friend start selling it, so I bought a tube for $20 to see what all the hype was about. Figured doing a Nu Skin Toothpaste Review, and finding out if it REALLY worked would be a good blog post. PLUS if it really worked I planned to sign up and sell it myself, after all a $10 commission sounded like a sweet deal.

So here is the burning question… Does Ne Skin Toothpaste really work???

First let me say the things I liked about it. It taste good, it was nice and creamy and did a great job of getting my teeth clean. It did not hurt my gums or leave my teeth sensitive like other whitening products might.  It comes in a nice container that is easy to apply.  So if you are looking for a good toothpaste and don’t mind forking out $20 a tube then this is the toothpaste for you.

However in my Nu Skin Toothpaste Review, I found ZERO results. I used it everyday for 2 month. I took a before and after photo and saw no improvement. In fact my after photo my teeth looked more yellow than my first photo lol.  After the first month I was told to try and not use any water when brushing my teeth, to try and get direct application on my teeth. I tried that and still felt I had no change.  This was my personal experience, so your story may be different than mine.

I have been told it works best on yellowed teeth from tea, coffee and smoking stains found on teeth. Since I am not willing take on those habits to accommodate another review…. for the time being I will just let you know that for me personally my results were not very impressive.  Dang, I was looking forward to a $10 a tube commission 😉 lol.

As stated above, I bought this product myself and all opinions are my own.

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