Quick glance at our week ~ Butterball Booty Baby, Honor Roll and Broken Camera

Quick glance at our week… just a reminder that I am REALLY am a real person behind this blog. Even if some days I feel like a machine finding and cranking out these deals for you all lol.Butterball Booty babyI was busy doing laundry with a cranky baby, when my 7 year old came in to take her. Later I walked into the other room to find this little “butterball booty baby” all snuggled up asleep on her big sister. I love moments like this. honor rollMy sixth grader made the honor roll, this is a pretty big deal since he has developmental delays and has to work really hard in school.  So proud of this little guy!

camera broken

My 4 year old was sitting on my lap as I was blogging, he was “helping me” when he accidentally dropped my Nikon camera and shattered the lens, and broke it clean off. I almost cried, good news is the camera is ok, just have to buy a new “not so cheap” lens.  I kept telling myself… it is just a thing it cam be replaced….. so I would not freak out lol.

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