Groupon is a cool new site where you can sign up for free to get coupons and discount alerts for up to 90% off stores and products based on your home town. Click here or the logo
Thanks to reader Karma for passing this along
There is a new company that is somewhat like CitySmart called Groupon. They aren’t up and running in Boise yet, but people can sign up now and start getting their emails when they do start it here. They offer discounts of up to 90% at area businesses. At Groupon people decide if they want a deal and click “buy” and enter their credit card info, then IF enough people decide to buy, everyone is charged and everyone gets it. If not enough people want the deal, then no one is charged and no one gets it. I think it sounds like another great way to get gift cards to area businesses!
I am pretty sure it just came to the Boise area in the last month.