UNO Wild Jackpot a fun spin on a classic family game

uno wild jackpot, uno, games, family game night, game time, games for families

UNO Wild Jackpot

One of our favorite games to play for family night is UNO. Its great for younger kids, but still fun for adults too. I hadn’t seen this version before and it looks like a blast!

It’s the UNO you love, but with a Wild Roller that ups the action

Game play starts with each player writing their rules with the two pens provided

The house rules cards are shuffled and placed in the “Wild Roller”

Regular UNO game play kicks off the game, but when the special “wild roller” cards are played, players must pull the wild roller lever and the suspense begins

You never know who will have to take a customizable rule card, or you could get lucky and get UNO Wild Jackpot

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