Each day we will be posting A THRIFTY & IN LOVE TIP from one of our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those Random Acts of Love  tips  and experiences coming!!! What are your ideas? What are your experiences at the 28 Days of Random Acts of Love – good or bad… (photos are always fun too)

Please submit your comments on this post HERE, or to our email with the  word Thrifty & In Love  on the subject line.

Sara (B)

Our anniversary was yesterday, and I had planned on surprising him after school, however our oldest daughter got sick and I decided I couldn’t leave her with a sitter. So, instead, I made a bunch of paper hearts (sick daughter helped) and bought a super cheep lipstick. Then we went to his school and decorated his car. I wrote some I love yous and Happy Anniversaries and drew some hearts with the lipstick, and my daughter and I taped the hearts all over the car. Then I made his favorite foods for dinner. I’d say it was a pretty good anniversary, considering we’ll have to wait to really “celebrate”


I’ve called him while he was at work and (something I have never done!) asked if he wanted to come home for a “quickie” he said sure ! Then called back and said “my Sergeant is coming too.”
WHAT !?! He thought I said cookie! Needless to say he already told his sergeant that I was making cookies and invited him over. Boy am I thankful I have those Betty Crocker cookie mix’s in the garage ! It was pretty funny, and I think I set a record changing and making cookies in under 3 minutes !


I don’t know if anyone else has shared this idea yet but something i did last year and my husband really liked was to get up really early on v-day and surprise him by writing all over his truck with those car markers, red and white. I wrote things like “best husband ever” or “sexy hubby on board” then in the back i put “Honk if you love your man”. His face when he went out on the driveway was priceless. He got to drive to church with the messages all over his truck and ladies kept honking and even one guy pulled up next to him and gave him a thumbs up. He said that was really sweet and that he enjoyed all the attention. I’m planning to do it again this year but while he’s at work so when he gets out of work he will be surprised

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