Each day we will be posting A THRIFTY & IN LOVE TIP from one of our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those Random Acts of Love  tips  and experiences coming!!! What are your ideas? What are your experiences at the 28 Days of Random Acts of Love – good or bad… (photos are always fun too)

Please submit your comments on this post HERE, or to our email with the  word Thrifty & In Love  on the subject line.

Brittany’s Tip,

Put sticky-notes on things he uses daily or will at least use within the month (a bottle of beer in the six-pack, on the back side of his shaving cream bottle, taped above the handles in the shower, above the driver’s side visor, inside the top of a covered trashcan he always ends up emptying, in his outdoor boots or attached to the dog’s leash since he’s the one that walks the dog, you get the idea). He may not find them right away, but he will eventually and it’s good to spread them out throughout the month.

Amy H.’s Tip,

My favorites are to leave a card in his car to find after work, take him a hot towel after a shower and breakfast in bed together.

Kelli’s Tip,

It is not important of what you do, but that you do something.

Terri J.’s Tip,

Sneak his cell phone when he isn’t looking and take a picture of yourself holding a sign that says “I love you” or some other similar message, and save it as the background for his phone. That way everytime he uses his phone, he gets a reminder.

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