34 different ideas to give a gift in a jar

We love to give out little gifts of jars full of special useful items. Like Matt’s dad love the powder hot cider, or the great smooth hot chocolate in a jar! Here is a great link for 34 different ideas to give a gift in a jar!

Like this one for Edible Chocolate Body Scrub

* 1/2 cup rolled oats
* 1/2 cup cocoa nibs
* 1/2 cup kosher salt
* 2 tablespoons unsweetened
* cocoa powder
* 1/2 cup jojoba oil
* 1/2 cup sweet almond oil
* 2 tablespoons vitamin E oil


1. Use a food processor or blender to grind the oats into a powder.
2. Add the cocoa nibs, cocoa powder, salt, almond oil, jojoba oil, and vitamin E oil.
3. Hit pulse a few times to blend.
4. Store in a glass or plastic jar, and scoop out for use with a spoon or a seashell.
5. Massage the scrub into skin, then rinse with warm water.
Who would have thought you could not only eat chocolate but you can use it as a body scrub? This amazing craft is yummy and helps out with your skin. Make as many as you wish and give them as Christmas gifts in a jar. It works best at the end of a hot bath

For the other 33 ideas click here

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