Aloe Vera Plants
I love using Aloe Vera Plants for burns. This hearty bare root plant is easy to grow and use.
Order HERE —-> Aloe Vera Medicinal Tropical Plant
Aloe Vera plant Shipped Bare Root, No Pot or soil. This is a small 4 inch , semi drought resistant, good as a medicinal plant. When fully grown can be blended as a healthy drink. Can be cooked as a desert. Cools burns and wonderful for face mask. The aloe vera plants are known for their easy low maintenance and their medicinal value. The aloe vera plant can be grown indoors with good lighting and very little problems. It is hardy in USDA Zones 9 to 11. It can grow 2 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet wide outdoors, but will maintain a smaller shape indoors.
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