Baby Update


Just thought I would give you all a little update.  I am down to only 18 days left, ( seems like 18 LONG days)  Baby boy has been good, and stayed head down, all my babies have been breach up to the last minute so the fact that he is staying down is a good sign.  Yesterday I became very concerned because I could not get him to move.  I rubbed my tummy hard, jumped up and down ( yes at 9 months I am sure I looked like a total fool), NO matter what I did I could not get him to move, he was just a hard little Ball in the middle of my tummy.  So finally after hours of worry I decided to go get him checked, all I wanted was to hear his little heart beat.

So at Midnight I headed in to have him checked….sure enough his little heart was beating away just fine.  That was all I needed to put my mind at ease.  My Nurse also told me I was having contractions every 2 minutes on the dot and asked if I felt them….I laughed and told her everything hurts and till the are the ” real hard ones” I try to just ignore them.

My nurse was a sweet heart and we were having fun talking, when she asked….do you by chance have a coupon website.  I smiled and said yes.  So then we got to talking about thrifty deals and coupons.  I have to say it is REALLY weird having so many people know who I am, it happens almost every time we go somewhere.  I love to meet my readers, and love it when you say hi…but it is little weird.

Anyway so I just got back from my weekly OB check, I am now measuring a 3, still having contractions.  So maybe just maybe….I will get lucky and have this little boy by the end of the week.  Can’t wait to meet my new little boy!

It’s Matt (8pm)

So I come home from work, and the entire house was cleaner then it has been since before the remodel…

Clothing was washed and folded, sheets on all beds washed, all bathrooms cleaned top to bottom… The crazy nesting mother!!! Time is coming quickly

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