Sunday night I had 4 hours of HARD contractions, about every 2 minutes. I was excited, because I know that means my body is starting the process of getting ready to have my little boy . This is Baby number 4 so I also know that I will have several days/ hours of these before it is for real. It was 4 long hours …. totally wore me out !
Today I saw my OB Doctor, I have good news my Blood Pressure is down, baby is head down ( at least today), contractions must have been working cause I am at a 2 ( need to be at a 10 to have the baby). SO it looks like my week of rest did me and the baby good. I am still suppose to take it easy, or I will end up right back were I started. But I did make a quick trip to Albertsons to pick up a few things…it was nice get out of the house for a minute. I was happy to find a few of my coupon friends at the store, and gave away all my double coupons being that I knew I was not going to use them. But then I had to come home and take a nap….lol.
I am loving all the baby name ideas, and think Matts current giveaway for guessing my due date is fun too! I should have at least 20 coupon inserts for the winner.
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