Learn how you can be apart of helping people who are in need with our A Thrifty Mom Bag of Rice Campaign. In 2016 we started helping a young man named Ikechukwu from Nigeria. Summer of 2019 we were able to visit his family in Aba, Nigeria. While there we saw widespread poverty and lack of basic needs. We would like to invite you to help meet one of those basic needs, by providing Nigerian families with rice. This gift will feed a large family for a few months, or a single person a year. It also reminds them they are loved, and brings most of them to tears… as a full bag of rice is one of the most generous gifts they will ever receive. You can also read about other families we have been able to bless here.
- Purchase a FULL Bag of Rice HERE
- Purchase a HALF Bag of Rice Here
- Purchase a QUARTER Bag of Rice Here
- Buy a chicken here limited stock
- Purchase supplies for Orphanages
The Following story is about the Akpan family, their bag of rice was donated thanks to Lynn Palmer this is the 333rd bag of rice our program has been able to give away thanks to generous donations.

We met the Akpan family in Oruk Anam, avillage outside Uyo, Nigeria. They were referred to us by their village head. Mrs Akpan is a widow and she has two daughters. They stay in a one bedroom mud house without plumbing or electricity. This village does not have a portable water source. They all get water from a local stream or collect rain water when it rains.

We did not meet Mrs Akpan at home when we arrived, but we met her two daughters at home. They cook with firewood in a room in their house that doubles as a bedroom too. Mrs Akpan is a trader and sells spices and condiments at a local market. Her daughters Esther and Mfon were at home and welcomed us to their home.

The Akpans were very happy to meet us. Esther thanked us on behalf of their family and prayed that those who donated receive blessings for their tremendous help to their family. Many families can not afford a bag of Rice due to it’s recent rice in price. We left this family knowing that they will never forget the day people showed up to their home and gave them a bag of Rice, and the relief it will provide their family.

- Purchase a FULL Bag of Rice HERE
- Purchase a HALF Bag of Rice Here
- Purchase a QUARTER Bag of Rice Here
- Buy a chicken here limited stock
- Purchase supplies for Orphanages
Learn how you can be apart of helping people who are in need with our A Thrifty Mom Bag of Rice Campaign. You can also read about other families we have been able to bless here.