Bakery outlets

It Ingard, yesterday I decided to go visit a friend, because this trip takes me near the Franz bakery outlet in Nampa and we were down to the one loaf that I had bought earlier at Ridley’s I decided to stop by. As I was leaving I was offered this sheet of COUPONS, each week gives a different sale, starting on the 6/19 and ends on July 16th! My ears perked and I was all smiles, I asked the cashier if I could share the coupon information and he said,

‘SURE” (I don’t think he knew how many people I planned on sharing with! 🙂

So if you are in the Nampa or Boise area, ask if they have a sheet of coupons for you to have.

I have been using bakery outlets for my entire married life and my mother used bakery outlets as well while I was growing up. I have always thought it was a thrifty way to live! So if you haven’t tried a bakery outlet, look one up in your area and give them a try. I personally freeze (in 2 gallon freezer bags that I reuse for this purpose) or refrigerate all the bread, leaving out what my family needs at any given time.

By the way, the Franz Bakery outlet gives 1 free item (from a special rack) for every $5 you spend up to 4 items free (I think, don’t quote me 🙂 )

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