Bored on Weekends?

boredAre you or your family bored on weekends. here is a great list of free or close to it activities to do:

Walmart Event Finder (enter your zip code to see what is going on in your area)
Toys R Us – Stop by Saturday between noon and 2pm to watch or participate in the Bakugan Battle League
Lakeshore Learning Craft – Stop by anytime Saturday between 11 am and 3 pm to make a Royal Crown
. (some stores require registration)
This Saturday at 10 am they will be making a School Bus (includes a secret compartment, chalk and a chalboard on top)
Stop by Michaels on Saturday between 10 am and 2 pm to capture your baby’s handprint in Crayola Model Magic
Stop by Michaels on Sunday between 1 pm and 3 pm and make some Baby Room Decor (purchase required)

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