Bumble Bee …4 coupons for $1 and more

Thanks to
Couponers United for passing this along,

  • Receive a $1.00 coupon each week with a weekly meal plan for the next 4 weeks! Eating healthy nutritious meals never tasted so good!
  • Receive 4 weekly meal plans complete with delightfully simple recipes!
  • Each week you will receive an email with a link to your weekly meal plan developed by our nutritionists Willow and Stephanie. All recipes are easy to prepare and delicious to enjoy!

Let your friends and family know about Bumble Bee’s MyCookbook and share with them this special link so they can take advantage of this special offer – they will receive the savings and the meal plans each week for four weeks

Here is the link so you can sign up to get your recipes & Coupons : BUMBLE BEE COUPONS

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