Carrot and Oreo Cookie “DIRT” cupcakes
Are you having a garden party, or maybe a spring fling or Easter party. What ever the occasion might be these, Carrot and Oreo Cookie Dirt cupcakes are sure to be a hit! They are simple to make and turn out SO cute.
- 24 cupcakes (I just used the box mix)
- White frosting
- 12 Oreo cookies crushed
- 36 orange Starburst
- Bag of Rips candy (green for the carrot top)

Next step is to make the candy carrots. They are MUCH easier to work with when they are warm. I heated up a rice bag in the microwave and set them on it to get them warm. You could microwave them for a few seconds but you need to be VERY careful cause the hot candy can burn you (that is why I went with the rice bag method).
Cut your Starburst in half. Flatten the top of one end and make the other end pointed. On the flattened end add some green Rips, wrap the flattened end around the Rips and then roll the whole thing to form a carrot shape. Place carrot on top of cupcake and you have an adorable treat.

Link to DIY here
Quick and easy to make