Each day we will be posting our readers “Couponing gives me the Freedom to…”  At the end of the month,

one of you will win a $25.00 Gift Card For all the details click here.


Couponing gives me the opportunity to remain a full-time stay at home mom. If I didn’t save so much with coupons, I’m sure that I would have had to get a part-time job outside of my home. Instead, I invest anywhere from two to five hours a week cutting coupons and shopping for the deals. Last year, between coupons and sales, I saved close to $10,000. Now that is a well paid part-time job!


I have a friend who has chickens. They would give some of their eggs to their neighbor next door. One day she felt prompted to give them 2 dozen eggs instead of 1. When she went over there she found out that they had 0 food. This is what they were living on. I thought we were struggling with $100.00 food budget for one week. This $100.00 is for food, hair products, tp, paper towels, laundry soap, diapers, formula, pull ups and the list continues. I stopped compaining about the $100.00. I look for the blessings that come from coupon shopping. I am not extreme. We are a family of 4 and I buy enough for our family. I believe in leaving merchandise so that another person can be blessed. I am grateful to have extra food so that I might share with others when the need is made known to us. Happy 4th of July Everyone!! Thank you Lord for blessing our family with coupons and a tight budget.


Couponing has allowed me to be able to afford the gas for my SUV. I can justify the gas when I am saving $100+ a week in groceries. We are also paying our debt paid down and that feels really good. I’m looking forward to being debt free!

Couponinng gives me the freedom to put myself and my husband through college. We are proud to be debt free – a very rare thing among students. Thanks to coupons we have financed our educations and built a stockpile at the same time!
Couponing gives me the freedom to sometimes do something for myself. Today I bought a $44 top (so cute, on sale for $10.98. It is VERY seldom I buy myself anything, but today, I let myself know it was okay to do for ME once in a while since I’ve saved my family so much more money by following your site and tips. So thank YOU for a cutie patootie tee!


Keep your  Thrifty Tips coming!!!

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