Fire, call 911


Do any of you have a fear that you have had since childhood?  Well I have always had a fear of drowning or my house burning down.  Well last Tuesday we were packing for a road trip to Utah, I looked across the street to see this thick black smoke billowing out from behind my neighbors house.  I thought their shed was on fire…  I yelled to Matt to call 911.  I ran across the street to see this bright orange flames roaring in the back yard… it was not a shed.  It was the house right behind them.fire1

There was nothing we could do for the neighbors house but it was inches from the fence and so we started spraying down the fence to try and keep it from catching the whole neighborhood on fire.  I kept the kids at our house, we heard the sirens of the fire truck coming… we only live a mile away so they were there rather quickly.  But every second it burned it destroyed the contents of the home, it only took minutes for almost the whole house to be consumed with fire.


The firemen showed up…. and  like modern day warriors fought the fire. As the flames died down and the smoke cleared we saw the destruction that was  left behind.  I had this lump in my stomach, it took about 10 minutes for the fire to turn everything black… it was all gone!fire3

The only thing that could make me smile was watching my 2 year old sons face as he looked over the fence to see the firemen.  He LOVES firemen, in fact he idolizes them.  He kept saying, “Fireman Sam to the rescue, he will save the day.”  It made me smile to see his faith in the firemen.  The house was a complete loss, and they are still trying to find what started the fire.



3 thoughts on “Fire, call 911”

  1. HeatherGarcia

    Oh my gosh fire is my biggest fear. Your quick thinking probably saved more houses from staring on fire. Bless you

  2. Yay Fireman Sam!!! My son is sick and just watched over an hour of Sam. If there was a fire in my neighborhood he’d be so excited…and while it would be a tragedy it’s so hard not to enjoy their sweet innocence of not knowing the true horror fire can bring. I hope your neighbors are okay and had good insurance. Though nothing brings back personal items. 🙁

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