Football Party Ice Cream, Quick and easy game day food #Football

Football Party Treats, Quick and Easy Football Ice Cream Treats  #FootBall #party #FootBallFood, #FootBallRecipesFootball Party Food Ideas ~ Football Ice Cream

We made these fun ice cream treats for a football party the other day.  They are SUPER fast and looked cute as can be.  Hope your crowd enjoys these game day snacks as much as we did.

Football Party Treats, Quick and Easy Football Ice Cream Treats  #FootBall #party #FootBallFood, #FootBallRecipesTo make these you will need

Football Party Treats, Quick and Easy Football Ice Cream Treats  #FootBall #party #FootBallFood, #FootBallRecipesYou could leave the whole wrapper on if you wanted… it would honestly be much easier.  BUT I thought they looked cute with the ice cream showing.  So I opened the wrapper and cut half of it off.  When you wrap the lower half back up, you will need to tape it closed.

Football Party Treats, Quick and Easy Football Ice Cream Treats  #FootBall #party #FootBallFood, #FootBallRecipesCut you green paper into a strip tall enough to cover half the ice cream bar. Tape the paper on the back side to secure it to the wrapper.  Tie the twine around  the green paper and then tie it in a bow or a knot. Put the football sticker on and you are DONE.

I did find it was best to make these one at a time to avoid the ice cream melting. Once you have made them put them back in the freezer till you are ready to serve them at your party. Football Party Treats, Quick and Easy Football Ice Cream Treats  #FootBall #party #FootBallFood, #FootBallRecipes

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