The latest $1 Band-aid coupon that came in 1/3 Red Plum didn’t exclude trial/travel sizes ( not all areas got this coupon). Target has the travel-sized band-aids in the picture above for only $.97.
Hello Kitty 10 ct. or Flexible Band-aids 8 ct. $.97
- Use $1/1 Band-Aid Brand Product (RP #2 1/3/10)
- Final cost FREE!
These little first Aid kits are also prices around .99 cents at most Targets ( walmart too) making them free with coupon
Make sure to bring the Target Coupon policy along just in case the cashier won’t take the coupon because it exceeds that price of the product (coupon will beep). “Coupon amount may be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied.”
Thanks Give me Neither