FREE can of Pringles Xtreme….update

I just wanted to give you an update that it appears this freebie was no good, a spam ad on facebook.  I am sorry to have listed it, but even I was fooled.  Here is how to take it off your account…

faceIf you are a couponer then surely you have “given access” to your Facebook account to countless companies in your obsession pursuit of coupons and freebies.

Here’s how to get rid of them (and I’m assuming here you do want them gone?)

1. Go to your account drop down menu in upper right corner of your Facebook Account
2. Click on Application Settings (see image above)
3. You will see a list of Companies you’ve given access to in the past
4. Just click the X for the ones you would no longer like to give access to
5. That’s it you’re done!

Here is a fun freebie, hurry it is while supplies last…

CLICK HERE first…. When you “LIKE” Pringles on Facebook & allow the “Pringles Xtreme Application” you will be able to submit your mailing address to get a coupon mailed to you for a FREE can of Pringles Xtreme!

Thanks Eastern Shore Mom

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