Before sale price or coupons this would have cost $21.90
I was able to get it all for $3.30
Today is the last day to get this deal! If you like pasta salad then you can make it CHEAP with this hot promo deal at Albertsons right now! Makes it easy to live on less when you get olives for FREE and Pasta for $.75 a box!
Transaction went like this
- Bought 4 Barilla Pasta
- Bought 6 Lindsays Olives
- used 3 coupons for $1.00 off 2 Lindsay Olives from the Albertsons Summer Savings booklet found at the register
- also used 3 twice the value (aka double coupons)
- Since I bought 10 promo items register took $5 off
- Final price $2.94 plus .36 tax = $3.30
Barilla Pasta – $1.25
Lindsays Olives $1.49 when you buy 10 promo items final price $1.00
- use the $1.00 off 2 MFR coupon in the new Albertsons Summer Savings coupon booklet found in stores
- also use a twice the value coupon
- final price FREE (if you buy with 10 promo items)
To view the full Albertsons Weekly Match Ups click here,
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