FREE Quakes

IMG_0793I was able to go shopping  early and take advantage of my twice the value coupons….when I came across this great FREEBIE at Albertsons.  They have Quakes on sale for only $1.00 a bag….which is a really good price.  But if you pair it with the  $0.75/1 Quaker Rice and Multigrain Snack from the Red Plum 01/10/10, it makes them only .25 cents.  If you use a twice the value coupon it will take another .25 cents off making them FREE!

If your store is out of stock you might think about getting a rain check…this is a great price even without the twice the value.

Thanks to Frugal RI Mama for passing along this deal to get them free this week at Stop & Shop AND Shaw’s the Quaker Rice Snacks are on sale for $1.00 each.  You can score them for FREE and with possible overage too!   Here is how:

Quaker Quakes Rice Snacks, On Sale $1.00
Use $0.75/1 Quaker Rice and Multigrain Snack cpn (RP 01/10/10)
Should Double to $1.50
Final Cost: FREE + $.50 overage

If you have 2 coupons then grab 3 bags and they will all be FREE! *Sale ends Thursday 1/21/10

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