Giving Back…..Help us pick a Charity to give too!


Thanks to one of my readers for sending me this email,

There is such a GREAT NEED, that we don’t like to talk about, or think about, things that we just take for granted, like a roof over our heads, and food on our tables, 2000 people a night can’t say that 2000 is the number on the streets not in shelters…. on the streets. Many are Men, but there are Women and Children also, My husband and I work downtown delivering the statesman, we get to see it first hand, at one of my stops I met a woman outside of one of my Jackson stops, tears filled her eyes As she asked me if I had tampon, NOT money a tampon…. things we take for granted she was so filled with shame having to ask me for that, I thank God I was able to help, but that was just one woman there are so many more, so if by chance you could post the need for those items they can be dropped off at the church, another story that brought me to my knees, a month or so back, I saw a family under one of the bridge overpass a family, Father, Mom. two kids under the age of 10 having dinner, it was Post cereal out of the box, my husband watched from afar not wanting to interrupt them as they passed the box down, each one took a hand full, WOW !!! Please post to support the food banks, go in your pantry and or to your stock any and every thing helps it will come back ten fold.

Matt and I try hard to teach our children to give back, we talk about it often but more important show them by example.  Most often it is shown by filling up a box with food and dropping it off to a family in need.  We do this at least once a month, it feels so good to give to others.

We have been busy working on a HUGE give back event, A Thrifty Mom style.  We are still working out all the details but hope to have it all ready towards the end of May.  But I need some help from my readers, please tell me what needs you see local (Caldwell- Boise area) , what charity or group is in need of a helping hand from A Thrifty Mom.  We hope to be able to pick a Charity or group and help them fill their pantry.

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