Great way to earn some $

I just received an email asking about what Ebates is. So I thought I would repost this.

Ebates is a Portal.

A portal is a path from one spot to another. Its an easy way to find something in a centralized location.
Ebates is a store list directory that gets deals, coupon codes, or cash back incentives from stores, both online and walk-in-to type retailers. You name it they probably have a deal for it.
First sign up, if you haven’t already, by logging into Ebates here
Second chose the store you would like to shop at.
Ebates then sends you to that particular store website.
From then on you are shopping through that store as if you typed their name in to a search bar yourself, EXCEPT…
Now you will get cash back, or percentage off, or what ever the deal was that you saw when you first clicked to enter that site. Ta-da..that simple. Just a portal to get deals.
Now “A Thrifty Mom” browses Ebates to find large percentages, or large cash back incentives and will post them here at our site. Think of it as weeding out the so-so deals.
Oh did we mention just for signing up Ebates puts $5 bucks into your account there. So as you shop at the stores you pick from, you build up a bank of cash that Ebates will send to you as a “BIG FAT CHECK”. You can set up your account to get that check as an actual paper check, or sent to your Paypal account( that’s how we have it set), or you can donate it to charity, or have it sent to a friend in need. It is sent by the way you set it up as on an automatic cycle. Now it does take about a day or so for some stores to report back to Ebates. So don’t be alarmed if you buy something, log back into Ebates and there is no increase in your bank stash. Check it out here

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