Heating Inspection Giveaways

Last weeks winner was Brian -they have been sent an email and will have 48 hrs to respond.
Dont Worry ASI is continuing their WEEKLY giveaway Continue to read more below250x250webad_copy

Weekly giveaway for Ada and Canyon Counties

Enter to win one of a weekly free heating system maintenance service plus a chance at up to $200 in Aspen Air Emergency Repairs for home heating systems.

Boise, Idaho November 5, 2009 – Ameri-Serv, Inc. Heating and Cooling cares about their community and they want to help make a difference by giving back to the community.

At Ameri-Serv we understand that times are tough for everyone right now and with the holiday season fast approaching we understand that times can get even tougher.

To help out local homeowners in Ada and Canyon Counties we are offering

One free complete heating system maintenance and inspection service each week through to December 25, 2009.

Enter the online drawing for your chance to win at www.asi-heating-airconditioning.com.

Plus if your heating system is in need of an emergency repair right now and you just cannot afford it we want to help.

We are also providing

Four chances to win up to $200 in Emergency Repairs

for your heating system because we do not want any family to be out in the cold this winter holiday season. Just enter to win the free maintenance service and tell us about your broken heating system for a chance to win a free $200 emergency repair.

Drawings for the free maintenance service will be held on Friday every week starting November 6, 2009 until December 25, 2009. Drawings for the $200 in Emergency Repairs will be held on Friday every other week starting on November 13, 2009 until December 25, 2009.

All drawing entries must be received by December 20, 2009 and all entries will receive a $40 Savings Certificate good for any of Ameri-Serv, Inc. Heating and Cooling’s consistently affordable services.

Don’t Wait, Enter to Win Today. CLICK HERE TO ENTER www.asi-heating-airconditioning.com for more details and drawing rules.

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