Here we come…..Knock Knock

002Ok so the kids get tired of me ALWAYS taking their picture, they are looking a little grumpy but we did have a fun time!

We have been enjoying our garden for the last few months.  I love being able to pick  produce from my garden and feed my family a healthy, thrifty meal.  In an effort to try to teach my children to “love their neighbors” and find joy in giving, we have been sharing our extra veggies with our neighbors.  I have to admit I feel kind of silly knocking on their doors asking if they want some free veggies.  But everyone seems to enjoy the free food, and my kids think it is a blast.  I hope this will teach my children to look for others needs and learn to love to serve others.  Plus I would hate to see it go to waste.

What do you do with extras from your garden?

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