How To Etch Glass ~ Personalized Cookie Jar Gift Idea #HolidayTips #PillsburyBaking

How to etch glass for a cookie jar Christmas gift idea, so quick and easy. Makes a great gift idea for the Holidays #HolidayTips #Crafts #etchedGlass

Last week I was invited to visit the JR Smuckers headquarters in Ohio.  I have to say I was so impressed with the values behind their business and the fact that they are 4 generations of family running the company.  I also learned that they make a lot more than just jelly and ice cream topping there.  In fact they own a lot of brands that  I have in my pantry like Jiff, Eagle Brand, Crisco and Pillsbury Baking just to name a few.

On the 2nd day at the event we were able to do a hands on baking session were we got to make some  fun, creative but easy cookies made with Pillsbury boxed brownies, cookies and cakes.  Next we made personalized cookie jars to put those cookies and goodies in.  To inspire us and get out minds thinking about hosting a Holiday Cookie Party or exchange.  I fell in love with these etched cookie jars, I had no idea they were so easy to make!

glass cookie jar, on sale at amazon

Amazon has these Anchor Hocking Penny Candy Jar, 1-Gallon on sale for only $5.96 (that is 66% off) plus free shipping options.

glass jar for kitchen storage on sale at amazon

Or you can get this Anchor Hocking 1-Gallon Heritage Hill Jar with Glass Lid for only $7.44 (that is 63% off)

How to etch glass for a cookie jar Christmas gift idea,Step 1: Clean the glass with rubbing alcohol.  You also want to cover the area you are working with in plastic or news papers.  The etching cream  has acid in it and you do not want it to burn your table or your skin.  It also recommends you wear long sleeves  and rubber gloves.

How to etch glass for a cookie jar Christmas gift idea

Step 2: Cover the area that you do not want etched. Use stickers and painters tape. You can also just use tape, and then cut the image you want out of the tape. I put painters tape down on parchment paper, used a razor blade to cut out the circle and then pulled it off the paper and then stuck it to the glass jar. Press the tape down really well so the cream does not go where you do not want it.How to etch glass for a cookie jar Christmas gift idea

Step 3 – make sure that your table is covered and you are wearing rubber gloves.  Use a foam brush to put a thick layer of Etching cream  on the area you want etched.  Make sure that the whole area is covered in an even layer.  Let it sit for 6-10 minutes then rinse off with cool water and pat dry with a a paper towel.

How to etch glass for a cookie jar Christmas gift idea

Yes it really is simple as that… and just like that you have an amazing gift!

Need some ideas for fun easy cookies, check out all the recipes and ideas at Pillsbury Baking. 

Dis-closer  I recently attended an all-expenses paid meeting at The J. M. Smucker Company, all opinions are my own.

Looking for More Online Deals?  Click here for more  THRIFTY DEALS. Please note that Amazon prices tend to change often so prices may be higher or lower without notice.

19 thoughts on “How To Etch Glass ~ Personalized Cookie Jar Gift Idea #HolidayTips #PillsburyBaking”

  1. Tiffany Mrazik

    We did acid etching in middle school. It’s SUPER easy, and fun. 🙂 we used contact paper to protect the area we weren’t etching. 🙂

  2. Leah Mickelson

    Please be careful when using the etching acid. It is very important to follow the directions!!!!!

  3. Tina Brown Westra

    This is a great idea. I didn’t realize there was an etching creme to apply. I thought a dremel had to be used. 😀

  4. Kim Barcus Woolf

    It would even be awesome for a teens vanity, especially one with a unique spelling.

  5. Sharon Catney Donovan

    When I first saw this and before I read the title, I thought this was a way to keep me out of the cookie jar! ha

  6. Kendra Leon

    I run my own little etching business and love getting new ideas. This one rocks! The person who tagged me in it ordered some for me to do for her girlfriends. I could see it being a hit for teachers as well!

  7. Tina Brown Westra

    You have my husband use his sander. The panes of our windows had flaking paint on them so my husband sanded it off…. Now we have “etching” all around the edges of our window panes. Maybe I should draw a design and have him etch some more! 😉

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