How to Make Scrunchies

How to Make Scrunchies

I was a child of the 80’s and 90’s so I of course loved and wore scrunchies. Well I have been seeing scrunchies all over, they are definitely back in style. This How to Make Scrunchies tutorial is simple and easy to follow so you can make as many as you want in the colors you want.

All you need is…

1/4” yard knit fabric
1/4” elastic
Sewing pins
Fabric scissors
Needle and thread
Sewing machine

And a few basic sewing skills πŸ™‚


1. Measure and cut a 3.5 x 21” piece of fabric.

2. Fold your fabric strip in half lengthwise with the print sides facing eachother.

3. Pin your fabric together if need be.

4. Sew along the raw edge length, leaving a 1/4” seam allowance.

5. Turn the tube inside out using your fingers.

6. Measure and cut a 9” piece of elastic, attach a safety pin at one end and slide through the tube holding the opposite end of elastic so it doesn’t slide through.

7. Pin and sew the two ends of elastic together.

8. Fold one end of your fabric inside the tube about 1/2” and tuck the unfolded end inside the tucked end.

9. Pin if need be, hand stitch or use a sewing machine to close the ends together.

All done! Did you make one too? Take a pic and share it with us below on the comments!

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