I NEED some Ice cream…..

Yesterday we did not have any water, which means no toilets.  So I went to Albertsons to use the restroom.  But while I was there I thought “it has been a long day, and I NEED some icecream”

Sale price ends tonight. Before coupons or sale this would have cost $23.36

I was able to get them all for $11.86

But after I paid I got back a $4 catalina and a $1.50 catalina

For all the details of this promo click here


If you have been reading my blog, you know that we have been remodeling our home ( the last  5 months)  It is one huge project after another.  We are doing the work ourselves in an effort to save money.  But that means it also takes lots of time….. This week all the plumbing in our house had to be replaced, from the hot water tank replacement to the drain systems.  We  hired our neighbor, who is a plumber to come do part of it.  But I can say I was not quite ready for what it really meant to have all the pluming redone.  We have found lots of  rotten floors, water damage, the list goes on and on. Water damage is one of the most common and potentially destructive problems you can face as a homeowner. If left untreated, water damage can lead to mold, warping, and other serious issues. That’s why it’s so important to call in professional restoration help as soon as possible if you suspect water damage in your home.


This is a photo of my Kitchen…now totally open to the garage. The Door had to be moved to allow more space for the new cabinets.

IMG_2154This is just one of the three bathrooms, that have been gutted down to the studs.  At least this one still has a toilet.


This would be my master bathroom….or well WAS my mater bathroom.

IMG_2146So as you can see we have lots or work ahead of us still.  Living in a remodel is not real fun, In-fact some days it is a little hard to remember that  it will be well worth it in the end.

Our toilets are working finally but, we do not have working sinks or tubs yesterday or today.  Guess who got the stomach flu……yes our little Maleeya was up all night.  Cleaning up throw up with no running water is NOT fun.  Ahh the ups and downs of everyday life, But I have to say it is a great life and the bad days make the good ones seem that much brighter.

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